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Daily Prayer Archive

February 27, 2019

Hail, Mary, hope of those who are in despair,
help of the destitute!
Hail, you whom your Son so greatly honors,
that whatever you ask, you at once obtain;
whatever you will is at once done.
To you are the treasures of the kingdom of Heaven entrusted.
Grant, O Lady, that amid the storms of this life
I may always remember you.
To your charitable mercy I commend my soul and body.
O my sweet protector, direct and protect me in every hour,
in every moment of my life.


February 26, 2019

Blessed St. Peter, obtain for us a sincere loyalty to our holy mother, the Church;
grant that we may ever remain most closely
and sincerely united to the Roman Pontiff,
who is the heir of your faith and of your authority,
the one, true, visible Head of the Catholic Church,
that mystic ark outside of which there is no salvation.
Grant that we may follow, in all humility and meekness,
her teaching and her advice, and may be obedient to all her precepts,
in order to be able here on earth
to enjoy a peace that is sure and undisturbed,
and to attain one day in heaven to everlasting happiness.


February 25, 2019

To you do we turn,
Our Heavenly Mother of sweetest love and tender compassion,
in this and every graceful moment
that passes under your protection and care.
Pray for us your beloved children,
that the light of your Son Jesus
which so purely flows through your Immaculate Heart
will illuminate our lives
and vanquish all darkness in our midst.
Oh Spouse of The Most High,
pray the Father to have mercy upon our land
that we might receive not what we deserve
but rather what we need.
Merciful Mother by the aid of your most holy angels
direct our ways into your shelter;
into your health;
safe within your loving bosom;
into a renewed and united revelation
of God’s infinite and everlasting love through Jesus Christ.


February 24, 2019

Unworthy as we are, we pray to you,
O leaders of the heavenly hosts,
to cover us by your prayers
with the protection of the wings of your immaterial glory,
preserving us who come to you and earnestly cry,
"Deliver us from sorrows, O chiefs of the powers above."

February 23, 2019

Almighty, everlasting God,
Who in Your beloved Son,
King of the whole world,
has restored all things anew;
grant in Your Mercy that all the families of nations,
tarnished by the wound of sin,
may be subjected to His most gentle rule.
Who with You lives and reigns world without end.


February 22, 2019

O glorious Saint Peter, who,
in return for your strong and generous faith,
your profound and sincere humility,
and your burning love,
was rewarded by Jesus Christ
with the leadership of the other Apostles
and the primacy of the whole Church,
of which you were made the foundation stone,
obtain for us the grace of a lively faith,
that shall not fear to profess itself openly,
in its entirety and in all of its manifestations,
even to the shedding of blood,
if occasion should demand it,
and to sacrifice of life itself rather than surrender.
Pray for us, that we may be made worthy
of the promises of Christ.

February 21, 2019

O holy Virgin, Mother of God,
help those who implore your assistance.
Turn toward us.
Have you perhaps forgotten us
because you have been elevated
to a position close to God?
No, certainly not.

You know well in what danger you left us.
You know the miserable condition of your servants.

Turn toward us, then, with your power,
for He who is powerful
has made you omnipotent in heaven and on earth.

February 20, 2019

Almighty and Eternal God,
Give me, I beseech You, the great gift of inward peace.
Command the winds and storms of my unruly passions.
Subdue, by Your grace, my proneness to love created things too much.
Give me a love of suffering for Your sake.
Make me forbearing and kind to others, that I may avoid quarrels and contentions.
And teach me constantly to seek after and to acquire that perfect resignation
to Your Holy Will which alone brings interior peace.


February 19, 2019

Jesus, my God,
who for us has endured hunger and cold,
labor and fatigue,
I adore You.

Jesus, my God, who for my sake
has deigned to subject Yourself
to the humiliation of temptation,
to the defection of friends,
to the scorn of Your enemies,
I adore You.

Jesus, my God, who for us has endured
the buffeting of Your passion,
the scourging, the crowning with thorns,
the heavy weight of the cross,
I adore You.

February 18, 2019

O Lord, we bring before You
the distress and dangers of peoples and nations,
the pleas of the imprisoned and the captive,
the sorrows of the grief-stricken,
the needs of the refugee,
the impotence of the weak,
the weariness of the despondent,
and the diminishments of the aging.
O Lord, stay close to all of them.


February 17, 2019

O my Savior
who am I that You should invite me
to receive You for the food of my soul?
Is it possible that You,
the God of infinite purity,
should come and dwell in my heart?
Lord, if You wish,
You can make me clean.
Say but the word and my soul shall be healed.
I come then,
O my amiable Savior, to receive You,
but I come covered with shame
and confusion at the sight of my sins,
but full of confidence in Your mercy,
and in the love which You have for me.

February 16, 2019

O Heart of Mary,
source of true love,
fill our selfish hearts with Divine charity
and with that true brotherly love
without which there can never be peace.
Grant that men and nations
may understand and fulfill the precept
of your Divine Son,
Love one another,
in order that true peace may be firmly established
in the Justice and Truth of Christ.

February 15, 2019

My Divine Lord,
I firmly believe that I am going to receive
in Holy Communion Your Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.
I believe this because You have said it,
and I am ready to maintain this truth at the peril of my life.

February 14, 2019

O holy Martyr, St. Valentine, pray for the faithful,
who are so persevering in celebrating your memory.
The day of Judgment will reveal to us
all your glorious merits.
Intercede for us, that we may then be made your companions
at the right hand of the Great Judge,
and be united with you eternally in heaven.

February 13, 2019

My God,
I am sorry for my sins with all my heart.
In choosing to do wrong
and failing to do good,
I have sinned against you
whom I should love above all things.
I firmly intend, with your help,
to do penance, to sin no more,
and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.

Our Savior Jesus Christ
suffered and died for us.
In his name, my God, have mercy.


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984