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Daily Prayer Archive

September 9, 2019

God our Heavenly Father, You have given us life
through the Death and Resurrection
of Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ;

Jesus, our Saving Lord, You came into a world
darkened by man’s sin
and gave it light through your teachings;

Holy Spirit, the Breath of God within us,
you guide and enlighten us
and give us the strength of our convictions;

St. Peter Claver, who became an example for us,
you showed us the Love of God,
The Light of Christ, and the strength of the Holy Spirit;
We pray now that all we say and do, in your honor,
be a continuation of your work here on earth.

St. Peter Claver, pray for us.

September 8, 2019

Dear St. Ann,
You were truly twice blessed to have
our blessed Mother As your daughter
and Jesus our Savior As your grandson.
I know that every period of our lives
has its responsibilities and joys.

Today, it seems that grandparents
are either shunted aside to do nothing,
or are called upon to do everything.
Help me to know just where my duties lie
and to carry them out as best I can.

Take care of my family,
my children, and their children.
Inspire them all to follow your Grandson
and lead truly Christian lives.

Keep all of us in your loving care,
Never let us turn away from Jesus,
And help us in the end to receive the joy
Of entering into your Grandsons’
Glorious presence forever.

Good St. Ann pray for us grandparents.


September 7, 2019

Most holy, immaculate Virgin Mary,
to your motherly heart Jesus entrusted his disciples
and to us He has given you.
I thank you, O most beautiful and noble of women,
that you have always loved me as a mother,
and I want to provide afresh for you an honored place in my life.
Obtain for me from Jesus
the gift of a new beginning and a new heart:
a heart open and obedient to God's Word;
a heart simple as a child's;
a heart bold in sacrifice;
a chaste heart;
a thankful heart;
a compassionate heart;
a heart like yours,
O Mary.
Envelop in your mercy, dear Mother,
all my dear ones and all who have a special claim to your help

September 6, 2019

Treasured in time immeasurable
how much more then are we
in glorious splendor adorned,
clothed in richest glory.

For those who have died
life is changed, not ended.

In your goodness, Lord, we pray
their faults and failings mended
and heaven’s crown thus won,
we will remember them transformed
into the image of your divinity,
we will think of them changed into glory.


September 5, 2019

Blessed Teresa,
you promised to continuously
bring the light of love to those on earth;
pray for us that we also may long
to satisfy the burning thirst
of Jesus by loving Him ardently,
sharing in His sufferings joyfully,
and serving Him wholeheartedly
in our brothers and sisters,
especially those most unloved and unwanted.

September 4, 2019

Lord, thank You for the gift of education in every form.
As our children start a new school year,
may confidence be their foundation,
may grace be their guide and may hope
be their compass toward a bright future.

I pray they have eyes to see
the needs of those around them
and a heart to love well.

May they face each day with positivity
knowing that no matter what come their way,
they do not have to face it alone.

September 3, 2019

O Lord, You received affronts
without number from Your blasphemers,
yet each day You free captive souls
from the grip of the ancient enemy.

You accepted Your scourging without murmur,
yet through your meditation
You deliver us from endless chastisements.

You endured ill-treatment of all kinds,
yet You want to give us a share
in the choirs of angels in glory everlasting.

You did not refuse to be crowned with thorns,
yet You save us from the wounds of sin.

In your thirst You accepted the bitterness of gall,
yet You prepare Yourself to fill us with eternal delights.

You kept silence under the derisive homage
rendered You by Your executioners,
yet You petition the Father for us
although You are his equal in Divinity.

You came to taste death,
yet You were the Life
and had come to bring it to the dead.


September 2, 2019

Heavenly Father,
On this Labor Day, we thank You
for the talents you have bestowed upon us
and for the gift to share them through work.

Smile upon those who are unemployed or underemployed.
Provide guidance and encouragement
for all those seeking employment.
Grant that they may find meaningful, rewarding work.

Be with those who work tirelessly for the good of all.
Protect them and grant them peace in their endeavors.

We ask this in the name of Jesus, who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit now and forever.


September 1, 2019

Night is falling dear Mother, long day is o'er;
Before thy image I am kneeling once more
To thank thee for keeping me safe this day,
To ask thee this night to keep evil away.

Many times have I fallen Mother dear;
Many graces neglected since last I knelt here;
Wilt thou not in pity, my own Mother Mild,
Ask Jesus to pardon the sins of thy child?

I am going to sleep now, day's work is done;
Its hours and its moments have passed one by one.
God Who will judge me, has counted them all;
He has numbered each grace, He has counted each fall;

In His book they are written against the last day.
Oh! Mother Ask Jesus to wash them away.
For one drop of His Blood for sinners was spilt,
Is sufficient to cleanse the world of its guilt.

And if er' the dawn I should draw my last breath;
The sleep I take be the long sleep of death;
Be near me Mother for dear Jesus' sake.
When at eternity shore my soul shall awake.


August 31, 2019

Mary, I beg you,
by that grace through which the Lord is with you
and you will to be with him,
let your mercy be with me.
Let love for you always be with me,
and the care for me be always with you.
Let the cry of my need,
as long as it persists, be with you,
and the care of your goodness,
as long as I need it, be with me.
Let joy in your blessedness
be always with me,
and compassion for my wretchedness,
where I need it, be with you.

August 30, 2019

You began immediately,
O holy Virgin,
to love and glorify God most perfectly,
and from that first moment
to the last of your life,
you did ever love and glorify him more and more.
As for me, in spite of all the years
I have been in this world,
I have not yet begun to love and serve him as I should.

O angels, and saints of Jesus Christ,
pray for me, that our loving Savior may give me new grace
and new love for him,
to devote this year and my whole life,
purely and solely to the service of His glory and love.

August 29, 2019

Eternal Father,
turn away Your angry gaze from our guilty people
whose face has become unsightly in Your eyes.
Look instead upon the Face of Your Beloved Son,
for this is the Face of Him
in Whom You are well pleased.
We now offer You this Holy Face,
covered with shame and disfigured by bloody bruises
in reparation for the crimes of our age
in order to appease Your anger,
justly provoked against us.
Because Your Divine Son, our Redeemer,
has taken upon His Head all the sins of His members,
that they might be spared,
we now beg of You, Eternal Father,
to grant us mercy.


August 28, 2019

Breathe into me, Holy Spirit,
that my thoughts may all be holy.

Move in me, Holy Spirit,
that my work, too, may be holy.

Attract my heart, Holy Spirit,
that I may love only what is holy.

Strengthen me, Holy Spirit,
that I may defend all that is holy.

By St. Augustine.
Protect me, Holy Spirit,
that I may always be holy.

August 27, 2019

Blessed Monica, mother of St. Augustine,
we give thanks to our Father in Heaven
Who looked with mercy upon your tears
over your wayward son.
His conversion and heroic sanctification
were the fruit of your prayers.
Dear St. Monica
we now ask you to pray with us
for all those sons and daughters that have wandered away from God,
and to add your prayers to those of all mothers
who are worried over their children.
Pray also for us that,
following your example, we may,
in the company of our children,
one day enjoy the eternal vision of our Father in Heaven.


August 26, 2019


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984