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Daily Prayer Archive

September 24, 2019

O my Divine Lord,
I offer You my body and its senses,
my soul and its faculties,
my heart and its sentiments.
My thoughts, my desires, my words,
my actions, my whole being are Yours.
Since You have given Yourself wholly to me,
can I do less than give myself wholly to You?
Grant me, O Divine Jesus,
to persevere in Your holy love.
Give me a still greater sorrow for my past sins,
and strengthen the sincere resolution
I have formed never again to offend You.


September 23, 2019

O Jesus, my God!
You are infinite in all perfections;
and I am but dust, and unto dust shall I return.
Depart from me, O Lord, for I am a sinful man.
Yet, O my sweet Jesus, if You leave me,
to whom shall I go?
What will become of me?
Rather will I say, "Stay with me, Lord;
abide always within my heart;
and may my heart make ever sacrifice for You."

September 22, 2019

O my God,
I firmly believe that you are one God
in three divine Persons,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I believe that your divine son became man,
died for our sins,
and that he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe these and all the truths
which the holy Catholic Church teaches,
because you who have revealed them,
who can neither deceive nor be deceived.

September 21, 2019

O Immaculate Virgin Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Mother of Grace, and Queen of the kingdom of your Son,
humbly kneeling before you,
we offer you this country in which we live.
It once was yours.
Before it was robbed of the holy Faith
all its children were your children,
and you were honored throughout.
Again do we consecrate it to you;
again do we dedicate it as your own Dowry.
We offer our own hearts,
that their love and service
may ever grow and increase.
May your prayer bring back the country's faith.
May your intercession lead us to a closer union
with your divine Son.
We consecrate ourselves to Him through you.
Obtain for us every grace and blessing,
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary!

September 20, 2019

How the seasons change,
how certain it is that Summer
gives way to Autumn,
and the falling of the leaves,
and the passing of so many things,
and the tears of one who grieves.

Yet Winter gives way to Spring,
new hope and life after suffering.

Lord, so it is, and as certain too
the promise of new life in you
after life’s woes and pains.

For our loved ones gone
no more strains and suffering now,
beyond life’s struggle there awaits
the joy of Your embrace.

Thank you, Lord.


September 19, 2019

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy!
Guard the kingdom of your Vicar on earth,
our chief bishop.
Pray for the people;
intercede for the clergy;
protect the consecrated.
Give us strength against our enemies and yours.
Give courage to the fearful;
joy to those that mourn;
peace to the contrite of heart;
perseverance to the just.
Let all experience your protection,
Virgin and Mother.
Through you the nations are brought to repentance,
the demons are put to flight.
They who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death
are filled with the knowledge and love of your Son.

September 18, 2019

O Holy Mother of God, Virgin ever blest,
O Mary Immaculate, pray for us,
intercede for us, disdain not to help us.
For we are confident and know for certain
that you can obtain all you wish from your Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ,
God Almighty, the King of ages,
who lives with the Father and the Holy Ghost,
forever and ever.

Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


September 17, 2019

You are Lord of all,
Lord of the living and the dead,
Lord of death, for you died for us,
Lord of Life, for you rose to glory.

You are the hope of all the world
that death is not the end,
and that in the power of your Spirit
we too shall rise with you again.

You are always true to us,
and true to your word that
Your love does not end with death,
nor your compassion with the grave.

Yes, Lord, your love for us is eternal
a love that seeks to save.
For this I thank you.


September 16, 2019

O Virgin, fair as the moon,
delight of the angels and saints in heaven,
grant that we may become like you
and that our souls may receive a ray of your beauty,
which does not decline with the years
but shines forth into eternity.
O Mary, sun of heaven,
restore life where there is death
and enlighten spirits where there is darkness.
Turn your countenance to your children
and radiate on us your light and your fervor.
O Mary, powerful as an army,
grant victory to our ranks.
We are very weak
and our enemy rages with uttermost conceit.
But under your banner
we are confident of overcoming him. 
Save us, O Mary,
fair as the moon,
bright as the sun,
awe inspiring as an army set in battle array
and sustained not by hatred
but by the ardor of love.


September 15, 2019

O Loving Mother, join your prayers to our petitions
for those who do not cease to be your children
even though they have abandoned the faith and fallen into sin.
May a remembrance of your love and beauty
touch their hearts at depths we cannot reach.
As at Pentecost, so now pray for the Church;
pray for our parish, our priests, our Brothers and our Sisters,
and for all of us, who strive to serve others
in the name of Jesus, your Son.
With all generations, we will ever call you blessed, O Mary,
our Mother of Perpetual Help, for God, the Almighty,
has indeed done great things for you,
and you have been and are so gracious to us:
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.

September 14, 2019

The Cross is my sure salvation.
The Cross I ever adore.
The Cross of my Lord is with me.
The Cross is my refuge.

September 13, 2019

Hail, O Mother glory of our Church,
its foundation and ornament.
Earnestly pray for us to Jesus,
your Son and Our Lord,
that through your intercession
we may have mercy on the day of judgment.
Pray that we may receive all those good things
which are reserved for those who love God.
Through the grace and favor of Our Lord,
Jesus Christ, to whom, with the Father
and the Holy Spirit, be power, honor, and glory,
now and forever.


September 12, 2019

Dear Mary, my holy mother,
I love you so much
and I give you my heart.
Help me to love God.
Help me to love my neighbor
as a child of God.
Help me to love myself
as a child of God.


September 11, 2019

Lord, I come here today
to revere the memory of those
whom you have called from this life.

I come to the place where their remains
were returned to the earth
in the way of all flesh.

Earth to earth and dust to dust.
Here is where they were entrusted
into your hands, into your love.

Here is where they were given
the final farewell, and prayers
for a safe journey into your keeping.

Here is where I especially ask you
to bestow on them the joy of your peace,
so that together with you
in your eternal home,
where this world of dust and ashes
and the fragility of this life
no longer hold sway,
they will find eternal rest.


September 10, 2019

Lord Jesus, lifted up on the Cross
You offered yourself for us all.

Your wounds for our healing,
Your sufferings for our faults,
Your agony for our peace,
Your forgiveness for our sins,
Your thirst for our comfort,
Your blood for our redemption,
Your death for our life.

Lifted up on the Cross
You promised the repentant thief
a place with you in paradise,
lifted up as a sign in the desert
You promised to draw us all to yourself.

Lord, grant to my departed family and friends
the gift of life with you in paradise,
draw them all to yourself
in the kingdom of love and peace
where sorrows turn to joy,
and we are made whole again
in your eternal love.



About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984