In You, O God, I put my trust.
In you, O God, I have experienced Your grace.
My trust and confidence come from knowing You, O Lord.
It is the reason I have confidence in Your goodness, O Lord.
In time of pain and misery, I have confidence in You, O Lord,
since You stay faithful and listen compassionately to me.
In times when I cannot get out of darkness,
You are there to raise me with Your love.
You embrace me like a lost son
looking for affirmation and assurance.
Your love and presence to me, Lord,
is why I have confidence in You.
I have confidence in You, Lord, since
You have helped me through others.
In the thickness of things, You stay close to me
like a trustworthy friend.
You do not judge me in my shortcomings,
but Your gaze of love melts my heart.
You, O Lord, are full of love and compassion
towards a broken-hearted soul.
Your gaze is what gives me the confidence
to get up and journey on in life.
I have no confidence in money or power that five false security.
I have no confidence in fame, prestige, or the praise of others.
I have no confidence in pride, achievement, or success.
But I have every confidence in your
unconditional love and goodness.
I have every confidence in your mercy and forgiveness.
It is this confidence in Your, O Lord,
that draws me closer and closer to You.
- Columban Fr. Felisiano Fatu