O God, how precious I am to You.
Since the beginning of time,
You were there for me.
You were there when I was happy;
You were there when I was sad.
You never left me.
Once when I felt so alone,
so broken and in grief,
I thought You had left me.
But I was wrong because You never left me.
It was me, O God, who had left, It was me,
who did not seek, did not trust, did not
surrender to Your love.
How great is Your love for me, O God!
Yet, I still doubt; I steal fear your Love.
Why can’t I believe that You love me?
How little faith I have in Your, O God.
Why can’t I believe that Your love me,
that You want me?
Why can’t I accept that being myself
Is enough for You, O God?
Why do I need reasons and answers?
What use are these for me?
Does everything have an answer?
Does Your love for me have a reason?
Help me, God, to let go of my doubts.
Help me see the beauty of Your love,
Open my heard – the place where You dwell.
Help me to accept that love needs no reason,
that love doesn’t doubt, that love has no fear.
Fill me with Your love, O God.
Fill me with Your unceasing love.
A love without end.
Columban Lay Missionary Vida Hequilan