Dear God, we thank You for the love
and many blessings You give Us.
May we cherish the gift of each other.
Help us to show our gratitude
by loving each other as You love us
and sharing that love with others,
especially those who have less in life.
Make us understanding and patient
with one another – quick to admit
our failings and ask forgiveness –
generous in sharing the joy
and strength we can give each other.
Father, give our family a faith
that goes beyond words.
May our friendship with You
be shared with those around us.
Direct each of us to lives
that follow Your Way.
Help us to use Your gifts
in service of others.
We entrust our family to Your care.
May we see the world as Your gift
and not use it for selfish and
destructive purposes.
Help us daily to draw closer
to You and to each other,
so that we may anticipate
the joys of Heaven with You.
Jesus Mary and Joseph,
help us to be a holy family.
- Columban Fr. John Comiskey