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Daily Prayer Archive

April 18, 2018

My loving Jesus,
out of the grateful love I bear You,
and to make reparation for my unfaithfulness to grace,
I give You my heart,
and I consecrate myself wholly to You;
and with Your help
I purpose never to sin again.


April 17, 2018

Enraptured by the splendor of your heavenly beauty,
and impelled by the anxieties of the world,
we cast ourselves into your arms,
O Immaculate Mother of Jesus and our Mother, Mary,
confident of finding in your most loving heart
appeasement of our ardent desires,
and a safe harbor from the tempests
which beset us on every side.

Though degraded by our faults
and overwhelmed by infinite misery,
we admire and praise the peerless richness
of the sublime gifts with which God has filled you,
above every other mere creature,
from the first moment of your conception
until the day on which,
after your assumption into heaven,
he crowned you Queen of the Universe.

April 16, 2018

Receive, O most sweet Mother,
our humble prayers,
and above all obtain for us that,
one day, happy with you,
we may repeat before your throne that hymn
which today is sung on earth around your altars:
You are all-beautiful, O Mary!
You are the glory,
you are the joy,
you are the honor of our people!


April 15, 2018

Heavenly Father and God of mercy,
we no longer look for Jesus among the dead,
for he is alive and has become the Lord of life.
From the waters of death
you raise us with him
and renew your gift of life within us.
Increase in our minds and hearts
the risen life we share with Christ,
and help us to grow as your people
toward the fullness of eternal life with you.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


April 14, 2018

Mary, Virgin and Mother,
shows us what love is and whence it draws its origin
and its constantly renewed power.
To her we entrust the Church and her mission in the service of love:

Holy Mary, Mother of God,
you have given the world its true light,
Jesus, your Son - the Son of God.
You abandoned yourself completely
to God's call and this became a wellspring
of the goodness which flows forth from him.
Show us Jesus. Lead us to him.
Teach us to know and love him,
so that we too can become capable of true love
and be fountains of living water
in the midst of a thirsting world.

- Pope Benedict XVI

April 13, 2018

Blessed are You, eternal God,
King of creation:
Bless my family who asks for your grace.
Let your Spirit guide our words and deeds,
so that our light may shine before all
and lead all who know us to give You praise.

May our home be filled with the spirit of love,
with the obedience of faith,
and the strength of hope.
Make our lives happy in Your service,
and bring us in Your love to your eternal home.


April 12, 2018

Where will I go?
What road do I follow?
How long is this journey?
Will You be there when I arrive?

How long will it take me?
Hold my hand, and don’t let go.
How can I see if darkness comes?
Be my eyes and guide me.

I want to take this journey,
a journey to be with You.
It may be long, and I know
You will be there along the way.

Be my eyes; be my ears.
Be with me.
Be my strength; be my light.
Be with me.

Yes, I am ready!
Yes, I will go!

April 11, 2018

O God, for Whose honor the glorious bishop Stanislaus
fell under the swords of the wicked;
grant, we beseech You,
that all who implore his aid,
may obtain an answer to their prayers.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
world without end.


April 10, 2018

Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.
The first Christians recognized the signs and wonders of their day.
Help me to see your guiding hand each day.
Reveal your risen presence to me as you come to me in Holy Communion.
Let my heart burn with love for you as you speak to me in the scriptures.
Keep alive in me the joy of this season 
that always and everywhere the Easter alleluia 
may arise as a hymn of glory to Your name. 


April 9, 2018

Pour Your grace into our hearts, O Lord;
that we who have known the incarnation
of Your Son Jesus Christ,
announced by an angel
to the Virgin Mary,
may by his cross and passion
be brought unto the glory
of His resurrection;
who lives and reigns with You,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever..


April 8, 2018

Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless
and the treasury of compassion - inexhaustible,
look kindly upon us
and increase Your mercy in us,
that in difficult moments
we might not despair
nor become despondent,
but with great confidence
submit ourselves to Your holy will,
which is Love and Mercy itself.


April 7, 2018

Jesus, Lord, don't let the fear of death overpower us.
And don't let the loss of our loved ones
cause us to doubt Your power to “Easter” everybody.
Remind us, Lord,
that You have the last words over death.
You are risen!
You are not "among the dead."
Neither are we.
We shall live forever in Your triumphant love.


April 6, 2018

The cross of death has become the Tree of Life, and we rejoice.
God has sent forth the Spirit,
And the world quickens to life anew.
Jesus is risen!
Teach us no more to fear the sword of division and death;
Teach us to welcome Jesus, the sign of contradiction,
And to lay bare the thoughts of our hearts
To the healing light of Easter.
Then, in your name and for your honor,
We will live in the Paschal Mystery
Today and, with you, see it fulfilled
On the day of Resurrection.


April 5, 2018

We sing our Alleluias today, for Jesus is risen.
Our souls proclaim the greatness of God,
Our spirits rejoice in our Risen Savior.
Mary, may your song be sung in our lives
At every moment of this day so that God's power,
Which can do far more than we can ask or imagine,
May continue to call life from death and light from darkness,
Transforming our meager efforts
Into your Son's victory over death.


April 4, 2018

Mary, in the brilliant light of Easter,
Teach us that nothing is impossible with God.
All our struggles with self and others,
All our disappointments and shames,
All our failures and sinfulness
Are as nothing in this healing, life-giving light.
Accept, then, our all.
May God look upon it,
As once did the Mighty One upon our lowliness,
So that we might be gifted with that blessedness
Promised to all sons and daughters of the Resurrection.



About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984