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Daily Prayer Archive

January 22, 2020

Eternal Father,
it is Your will that all should be saved.
Great is Your mercy.
Your Son, Jesus Christ died for all.
Teach all people to recognize You and love You.
With deep faith in Christ's death
and resurrection we pray:
'Send Forth, O Lord, laborers into Your vineyard
and spare Your people.'
Eternal Word, Redeemer of all creation,
convert all souls to You.
You have been obedient for all,
even to death on the cross.
Look upon the merits of Your Mother
and of all the angels and saints
who intercede for us.
Send forth, O Lord, laborers into Your vineyard
and spare Your people.
O Holy Spirit,
through the infinite merits of our Lord, Jesus Christ,
enkindle in all hearts
Your ardent love that can do all things,
that all may be one fold and one Shepherd,
and that all may arrive in heaven
to sing Your Divine mercy.
Queen of Apostles and all the angels and saints,
pray to the Lord of the harvest:
Send forth, O Lord, laborers into Your vineyard
and spare your people,
that united with you,
and the Father and the Holy Spirit,
we may all rejoice forever.


January 21, 2020

Let us gain courage for our own battle
by honoring the martyrdom of the glorious virgin Agnes.
St. Agnes, vessel of honor,
flower of unfading fragrance,
beloved of the choirs of Angels,
you are an example to the worth of virtue and chastity.
O you who wear a Martyr's palm
and a virgin's wreath,
pray for us that,
though unworthy of a special crown,
we may have our names written in the list of Saints.

January 20, 2020

Dear Commander at the Roman Emperor's court,
you chose to be also a soldier of Christ
and dared to spread faith in the King of Kings,
for which you were condemned to die.
Your body, however, proved athletically strong
and the executing arrows extremely weak.
So another means to kill you was chosen
and you gave your life to the Lord.
May athletes be always as strong in their faith
as their Patron Saint so clearly has been.


January 19, 2020

Lord, Your light gives us strength
and shows us the way to God.
Remove our blindness that we may see
the light of goodness, truth, peace and love
within ourselves and others.

January 18, 2020

Lord, You commanded us to love God,
ourselves, and our neighbors.
Help me to let go of my fear of love.
Show me how to set my heart free
to love as You did.

January 17, 2020

O blessed Saint Anthony,
I place my studies under your powerful protection.
Through your intercession,
may the Holy Spirit fill me with light, strength, intelligence and humility.
I implore the creator of all things
to grant me the ability to grasp things correctly,
and the talent of exact in my explanations.


January 16, 2020

Almighty and merciful God,
Who has commissioned O Thy angels to guide and protect us,
command them to be our assiduous companions
from our setting out until our return;
to clothe us with their invisible protection;
to keep from us all danger of collision,
of fire, of explosion, of falls and bruises;
and finally, having preserved us from of all evil,
and especially from sin,
to guide us to our heavenly home.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


January 15, 2020

O, Lord, support us all the day long,
until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes,
and the busy world is hushed,
and the fever of life is over,
and our work is done.
Then in Your mercy grant us a safe lodging,
and a holy rest, and peace at last.

January 14, 2020

O Mary, Mother of Mercy, watch over all people,
that the Cross of Christ may not be emptied of its power,
that man may not stray from the path of the good
or become blind to sin, but may put his hope
ever more fully in God who is rich in mercy.
May we carry out the good works prepared by God
beforehand and so live completely for the praise of his glory.

January 13, 2020

Heavenly Father, keep us from vain strife of words.
Grant to us constant profession of the Truth!
Preserve us in a true and undefiled faith
so that we may hold fast to that
which we professed when we were baptized
in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
that we may have Thee for our Father,
that we may abide in Thy Son
and in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.


January 12, 2020

Most Holy and Immaculate Virgin,
Help of the Christians,
we place ourselves under your motherly protection.
Throughout the Church's history
you have helped Christians in times of trial,
temptation and danger.
Time and time again,
you have proven to be the Refuge of sinners,
the Hope of the hopeless,
the Consoler of the afflicted,
and the Comforter of the Dying.
We promise to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, your Son,
to proclaim His Good News of God's love for all people,
and to work for peace and justice in our world.
With faith in your intercession,
we pray for the Church,
for our family and friends,
for the poor and abandoned,
and all the dying.
Grant, O Mary, Help of Christians,
the graces of which we stand in need.
May we serve Jesus with fidelity and love until death.
Help us and our loved ones
to attain the boundless joy of being forever
with our Father in heaven.


January 11, 2020

Lord, your love helps me to embrace the unknown.
Reveal yourself to me so that I may recognize
you in myself and others.
You are my hope, O Lord, and my strength.
Teach me humility so that I may keep learning
and growing spiritually.

January 10, 2020

Lord, Jesus Christ,
You are the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Hear our prayer for truth and integrity
in all segments of society today.
May the truth be spoken by us and affirmed in others,
that in seeking truth, the world will come to find You,
the Source of All Truth.
Wherever relationships are weakened by deception or hypocrisy,
strengthen good Christian character among us
that we may bear witness to the critical need for truth.
May your Spirit of Truth fashion minds and hearts
open to a moral integrity so strong
that both words and actions can be trusted.
In public and private life,
deepen among us a genuine commitment
to honest, sincerity and truth-telling.
Let nations and peoples not compromise truth
by rationalization or pretense,
but safe-guard and defend it always
as Your most precious gift.
Lord, may those around us come to know
that they can take us at our word,
until that day when all the world lives in truth
and the Truth sets us free. 

January 9, 2020

Lord, your spirit has been poured into my heart
making me a child of God.
Help me to see every person
as my brother and sister, and
show deep respect and love.
Through Your son, Jesus Christ,
who lives for ever and ever.


January 8, 2020

Blessed be the mind, the heart, the hand,
That drew this icon fair,
Of beauty unsurpassable, yet sweet,
God's Mother, rapt in prayer.
All pure her face, her hands, her heart unseen,
Chaste, white rapture, as morning glow:
She ponders deep. Her sorrow shows,
She bears the weight of souls on earth below!
Awesome, yet so love-filled and so warm!
Immaculate! her praise shall never cease,
In hearts that love and cherish her; God's Mother!


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984