A Prayer in Time of Drought
Creative and Nurturing God,
we weep in the face of dry land and bushfires,
dying crops and animals,
traumatized families and communities.
Our land evolved in Your wisdom over eons.
Some people learned to live within its boundaries
thriving in its fruitfulness, and in humility
responded with gratitude and praise for its gifts.
Often with good intentions,
we have imposed out ideas of progress and prosperity
demanding lifestyle benefits and production
that push the land beyond its capacities.
Teach us to listen to the land with humility.
Send the Spirit of Jesus to teach us respect.
Guide us to be co-creators with your divine providence.
Fill our hearts with patience and compassion.
May we commit ourselves to face the calamity of drought,
city and rural cooperating as one in service and generosity
planning with leaders to create a sustainable future, so that
we can again love the beauty of Your land fully alive.
Creative and Nurturing God
Your children and land need the gift of rain
bringing life from death
transforming us day by day.
We pray through our Brother Jesus the Christ.
— By Columban Fr. Charles Rue in response to the Australia wildfires.