O Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, in these times of such brazen impiety,
manifest your power with the signs of your ancient victories.
From your throne where you give pardon and grace,
mercifully regard the Church of your Son,
His Vicar on Earth, and every order of clergy, religious, and laity,
who are oppressed in this mighty conflict.
You who are powerful, the vanquisher of all heresies, hasten the hour of mercy,
even though the hour of God's justice is every day provoked by the countless sins of men,
the sons and daughters of Adam.
Obtain for me, the least of men, kneeling before you in supplication,
the grace I need to live righteously upon earth,
in order to be numbered among the just in heaven.
In the company of all faithful Christians throughout the world,
I salute you and acclaim you as Queen of the Most Holy Rosary.
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary pray for us.